Bernadette Halbrook, Ph.D.

California State University, Sacramento
Department of Counselor Education
College of Education


Papers and Publications

Research Projects

Professional Associations

Bernadette Halbrook

Professor and Department Chair

Office EUR 413

Office Hours M 10 - noon; and by appt.

E-mail address

Telephone (916) 278-5399

Fax (916) 278-5904

6000 J Street
Sacramento, California 95819-6079




Fall 1999 Classes






Halbrook, B, & Ginsberg, R. (1996) Ethnographic countertransference in qualitative research: A guide for mental health practitioners. Journal of Mental Health Counseling,19, (1), 87-93.

Halbrook, B. (1996) Romance addiction and sexual compulsion: A Jungian perspective.(1996) Georgia Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 4, (1), 41-48.

Halbrook, B. (1997). Women who abuse drugs: An overview . The Journal for the Professional Counselor, 12, (2),35 -44.

Halbrook, B. (1995). Integrating contemplative psychotherapy and counseling: Combining East and West. Texas Counseling Association Journal, 23,(1), 21-27.

Wadsworth, R., Spampneto, A., and Halbrook, B (1995). The role of sexual trauma in the treatment of chemically dependent women: Addressing the relapse issue. Journal of Counseling and Development,73 (4), 401-406.

Fox, C., Halbrook, B. (1994). Terminating relationships at midlife: A qualitative investigation of low-income women' s experiences. Journal of Mental Health Counseling,16(1), 143-154.

Halbrook, B., Duplechin, R. (1994). Rethinking touch in psychotherapy: Guidelines for practitioners. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 13 (31), 46-54.

Halbrook, B., & Friedman, L. (1993). Lesbians: working it out. Alabama Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 19(1), 45-52.

Halbrook, B., Teddlie, C., & Williams, G. (1992). Dimensions of client self-disclosure and their impact on the counseling process. Louisiana Educational Research Journal, 17(2), 109-121.

Halbrook, B., Wadsworth, R. (1992). Father, grief, and the "new male": A guide for female therapists. Louisiana Association of Counseling and Development, 3(2), 35-42.

Halbrook, B. (1992). Toward a conscious femininity: Jungian perspectives. Journal of Adult Development, Special Issue, 69-74.

Ballard, M., Halbrook, B. (1992). Death anxiety in young adulthood: Ineffective ways of coping with the terror and the dread. Journal of Adult Development, Special Issue, 16-22.

Halbrook, B. (Fall, 199l). Adolescent children of alcoholics. Louisiana Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 2(1), 45-50.

Halbrook, B. (Fall, 1991). A support group for HIV+ women: What counselors should know. Kentucky Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 10(1), 20-33.

Halbrook, B. (Spring, 1991). Working with the new male: A guide for female therapists. Journal of Young Adulthood and Middle Age, 3, 194-200.

Halbrook, B. (Winter, 1990). When the counselor is pregnant. Louisiana Association of Counseling and Development Journal, 1,(3), 28-33.

Mathews, B., Oaks, J. (1990). Adult children of alcoholics on college campuses: A group approach to intervention. Health Values, 14,(1), 9-15.

Mathews, B., Halbrook, M. (Spring, 1990). Adult children of alcoholics: Implications for career development. Journal of Career Development, 16(4), 261-268.

Mathews, B. (Spring, 1990). Developmental crisis: The transition to parenthood. Journal of Adult Development and Aging, 2(1), 65-72.

Friedman, L, Halbrook, B. (1990). Coming out of the closet: Techniques for working with lesbian clients. New York State Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 5(2), 33-40.

Mathews, B., & Leonard, P. (September, 1989). Counseling midlife women. Arizona Counseling Journal,14(1), 28-34.

Mathews, B. (Fall, 1989). The use of therapist self-disclosure and its potential impact on the therapeutic process. Journal of Human Behavior and Learning,6(2), 25-27.

Mathews, B., & Bowes, J. (Summer, 1989). A training model of group therapy with an HIV-seropositive population. Aids and Public Policy Journal, 4(1), 51-55.

Mathews, B. (Summer, 1989). Terminating therapy: Implications for the private practitioner. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 7(3), 29-39.

Mathews, B. & Robinson, L. (Spring, 1989). Young adults and AIDS: A support group for HIV-positive women. Monograph: Young Adult and Middle Age, 1(1), 44-51.

Robertson, D., & Mathews, B. (March, 1989). Preventing adolescent suicide with group counseling. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 14(1), 34-39.

Mathews, B., & Paradise, L. (October, 1988). Toward methodological diversity: Qualitative research approaches. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 10(4), 225-234.

Mathews, B. (October, 1988). The role of therapist self disclosure in psychotherapy: A survey of therapists. American Journal of Psychotherapy,42(4), 521-531.

Mathews, B., Teddlie, C., & Williams, G. (Spring, 1988). Training counselors in the use of self-disclosure: A survey of Louisiana graduate counseling programs. Louisiana Education Research Journal, 13(2), 42-49.

Mathews, B. (Spring, 1988). Therapist self-disclosure: Implications for counselor education and supervision. Maryland Association of Counseling and Development Journal, 1(1), 36-51.

Mathews, B. (Summer, 1988). Planned short-term therapy utilizing the strategic techniques of Jay Haley and Milton Erickson. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 6(4), 103--118.

Mathews, B. (Summer, 1988). Counseling: professionalization of human caring. Virginia Counselors Journal, 16(1), 44-45.

Mathews, B. (Summer, 1988). Innovation without increased expenditure: Three outreach strategies. The Southern College Personnel Association Journal,1(1), 3-8.

Mathews, B. (Spring, 1987). Feminizing adult developmental theory. Journal of Counseling and Human Services Professions, 2(1), 26-30.


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