Dr. A. Gunter Office: MRP 2065
E-mail: Telephone number not available
Class time & room MRP 2032,
M &W: 3 p.m. to 4.15. p.m.
Office Hours: M&W to 3 p.m.
and by appointment
This course satisfies requirements for Area C-1 in World Civilizations Class Schedule of Due Dates
Required Textbook: A. Gunter, The French Experience, A Cultural Anthology. S-P 95

Lectures & Homework Weeks 1-8
Lectures & Homework Weeks 9-15

Monet Report & Field Trip - week 2

Description of French 120 Section 2

As stated in the course description of French 120, the purpose of the class is to clarify “Formative cultural achievements of the French World from its origins to the present…with contributions to modern Western Culture.

Students will be exposed to the geography of France, and its cultural heritage. They will be introduced to France’s civilization, through its own social cultural perspectives

Course Objectives

A. The course promotes an understanding of French civilization:

1. Identifying French Civilization

Through a social-historical, cultural perspective, the course surveys the geography of France, French cultural landmarks, from prehistory to contemporary time.

2. With its own social cultural method, the course investigates various esthetic concepts, always illustrated through literature excerpts, movie clips, painting, sculpture, architecture, music and performance arts.

B. The course enhances French Contribution to Western Civilization by:

1. Highlighting various French cultural contributions such as ethnic diversity, individualism, human respect and rights, democracy, freedom and tolerance.

Student Learning outcome

The course develops critical thinking, and promotes social cultural perspectives, and personal wisdom.

Skills developed in the Course

1. Experiencing authentic French cultural documents.

2. Critical thinking:

The students develop their cultural understanding, their own critical skills through the reading and the debating of authentic cultural documents.

3. Defining, analyzing, and appraising comparative cultural documents.

Verification, testing of information and performance

Report on Monet Show with a 1000 word- essay.

Grading Requirements

  1. One Monet report (10%)
  2. Completion of three (3) periodic tests based on the reading of anthology. No make-ups allowed. (50%)
  3. Five (5) Cultural quizzes based on scheduled lectures. No make-ups quizzes or CPT allowed. (40 %)
  4. Being in class is your responsibility. Attendance participation is required. Attendance points are already incorporated in the points earned during the semester. Therefore, two (2) unexcused absences, or/and four (4) lateness will be penalized, and will downgrade your grade. The instructor penalizes an extensive unexcused absence of 2 weeks with an automatic F final grade.
  5. Being aware of Course Schedule. Students must pay attention to report dateline schedule: M/C reading tests, Cultural quizzes, and report dates are listed in the schedule. No made-up are allowed in any testing, quiz situation, or report writing.

Academic Behavior

CSUS expect all students and faculty to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. High academic standards inside and outside the classroom are the norm. Plagiarism and cheating violate our academic ethics. Penalties for these violations will range at the discretion of the instructor from failing the course to an appearance before the Dean.

Syllabus and Schedule Changes:

The instructor reserves the right to alter the Syllabus and the dated class lectures, tests, quiz Schedule at any time.
Changes to the schedule and syllabus will be announced in class time, will be written, dated, and distributed in class.
The new written version of the syllabus, and the new schedule are authoritative and take precedence over any previous older printed version.

updated July 12, 2006