Monet Report due October 9, 2006.

Monet exhibit Monet in Normandy will be seen during Week 2-to 3.

Date organized in class meeting, for tickets and permission to visit Monet exhibit at California Palace of the Legion of Honor, Lincoln Park, San Francisco: Monet in Normandy

1. Visit of the exhibit

2. Objective of your Report on the works seen in Monet in Normandy:
2.1 Understanding how Monet the artist was unusual and original, from 1860 to 190’s France.
2.2 Clarify how Monet, as an Impressionist, expressed in his social cultural perspectives.

3. Your Essay:
The question to be commented:
In France, from 1860 to 1900, Monet’s works created distinctive artistic statements and expressed an original social contemporary perspective.

Your approach:
while investigating the essential statement in your essay, you may illustrate this statement with two various approaches, either by

Your own writing development:
When you have chosen your own approach, you have to analyze two specific elements proposed with the initial statement.

Monet’s Impressionist works made a distinctive artistic:
with his fresh artistic voice, with his own new painting material, his particular interest with specific colors, light, and photography, his original impressionist technical display, and finally, his own contemporary themes.

Monet is a person of his own period:
Investigate and research the contemporary perspectives, socially identifying the Second Empire, the Third Republic and mostly, the French Industrial Revolution. Give extra care at analyzing the untraditional social impressionist cultural statements and themes raised about opposing cities and nature, challenging the powerful and moralistic Bourgeoisie, questioning the emergence of the new working class, contemporary class conflicts, and the role of French women.

Your essay, should be limited to 1000 words, and respond to the initial two perspectives underlined in the statement.

The essay must be typed in a standard essay form, with a small margin, and typing fonts such as Geneva 12 or Times 12.

Supported your statements with precise footnotes, if necessary. For simplicity, it is best to attach your essay, at the end of the main text. However, your footnotes are not part of your 1000 word main text. Use in your essay, use a scholarly form, such as MLA, or CSUS graduating scholarly rules.

Of course, pay attention to a brief introduction and concise conclusion in your written demonstration. In style, incomplete sentences, misspelling, grammatical errors are not acceptable.