FALL 2006 French 120 (2) Gunter


Week 1

Syllabus Course  Schedule

Monet Field trip and Report


General Information


1. Class procedure

 During the semester, at each session:

1.      Try to read the pertaining anthology section suggested in the lecture schedule before class time.

2.      Re-enforce your understanding from the reading, by preparing your own questions to be discussed in class.

3.      Attend lecture

4.      Identify all visual material presented in class

5.      At the end of any session material, clarify any issue or concept raised through the lecture. Information and group discussion in class are always welcome.


2. Grading of each section and each chapter

 When the material of each section is “closed”, and the last appropriate questions have been answered in class, a Cultural Quiz will be given on this past studied material. 

At the end of each chapter, a M/C reading test will verify your understanding of all material marked in the test schedule. 

Look at Lecture and Test schedule for dates, for tested areas and for the pages of the Anthology for which you are tested.  No Make up allowed for quizzes and M/C tests.





Week 2-3                        Lecture on Diversity


Questions for week2-3

Lecture on French Identity:        

Geographic Diversity in France

Lecture and visual material demonstrate the extreme diversity of French landscapes


Your objectives of the first two weeks: 

1. Become familiar with a geographic area of France (see maps)

2. Define location and geography of the area in France 

3.  Recognize the regional area of France:


b. East of France:  Alsace 

c. West of France  Normandy 

d. South West Basque Country

e. South East of France in Provence


Your test will be to create a Physical Geographic Map of France, where you will:

Indicate the 9 countries, bordering France.

List the various 4 regional areas listed above (b, c, d, e

Indicate 5 French major cities, including Paris

Recognize 3 major mountains.

Indicate 3 oceans surrounding France.

Draw the 5 French major rivers.


Week 2-to 3

Monet exhibit at California Palace of the Legion of Honor, Lincoln Park, San Francisco : Monet in Normandy

  1. Visit of the exhibit
  2. Your choice for your report:

Within a 1000 word essay, could you demonstrate and illustrate any one of the four following statements:

a)     Your favorite and specific painting from the show, can demonstrate its own originality ( artistic and cultural) and is an example which could have been created only in the France of 1870 and 1880’s.

b)     Monet‘s paintings illustrate a new cultural and artistic attitude. In all the paintings shown at the exhibit,

c)      Monet was one of the fresh artistic voice in his own time, with his  own new painting material, his interest with specific colors and light, his original technical display, his original   contemporary themes.

d)     Monet illustrated the specific period in which he lived, -that is the Second Empire, The Third Republic, and the Industrial Revolution.  Monet’s work reflects the new attitude which prevailed from 1866 to 1889, with its new social concerns and specific cultural attitude.



Week 4-5-6  Diversity of French people: The Gauls

Cultural quiz on Oct 9

Lecture: Gauls, and Roman Gaul

The Gauls

1.       How are the Gauls?

2.       Who described best?  Why?

3.       List some Gaelic elements still existing in contemporary France?

4.       Describe villa culture.

5.       Which class of society do the Gauls represent?

6.        What are the symbols of the Gauls?

7.       A Gaelic hero: Vercingetorix

8.       A modern hero: José Bové

9.        Which Roman Gaul monuments are still visible in France?



Week 7-8

France ‘s Catholic Past                                                   

The Romanesque world

1. Use a dictionary to define the following items:

                  Church                  Façade                      Tympanum

                  Cloister                 Reliquary         Relics            Danse Macabre

1.      Why were these Romanesque Churches built?

2.      When did Romanesque style appear in France? 

3.      What style did it copy?

4.      Identify these Romanesque churches:



5.      What are the characteristics of Romanesque churches?

6.      What was the main theme of any Romanesque tympanum?

7.      Why is Christ so large and shown in the same traditional position?

8.      Why do people look alike in all cases?

9.      In the 11th century, the question “who am I? ‘ would be the answer?

10. What is a Danse Macabre?



Gothic World

façade             transept          stain glass      nave               

Flying buttress                        rose         Pietà

1.      Some famous cathedrals:

  Chartres, Paris, Reims, Strasbourg, Amiens

2.      Why were the cathedrals built?

3.      What were the functions of Gothic cathedrals?

4.      Who was Suger?  When did he live?  Which representation of God did Saint Denis (Suger’s model) suggest?

5.      Was gothic art a copy of another art form?  Why was it an original statement?

6.      What are the characteristics of Gothic art?   

7.      Development of the cult of Mary

8.       Why were most French Gothic cathedrals called Notre-Dame?

9.       What is a pieta?  What does it symbolize?

10.    For a Medieval woman, what are the virtues that Mary represents?