Fractured Rock Hydrology
Groundwater Modeling
Applied Geophysics
Aquifer Testing

    Dr. David G. Evans
       Associate Professor of Hydrogeology     

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  • Anderson, William P, Jr., David G. Evans and Stephen Snyder (in review). The effects of Holocene barrier-island evolution on water-table elevations - Hatteras Island, NC, submitted to Hydrogeology J., Oct. 1999.
  • Shi, Mingjuan and David G. Evans (in review). Calculation of flow rates and drawdown in a multiple-aquifer system with borehole storage, submitted to J. Hydrology, April 1999.
  • Faye, Serigne, Isabelle Niang Diop and David G. Evans (in review). Assessment of planned abstraction on the Senegal North coast groundwater resources, submitted to Hydrogeology J., March 1999.
  • Evans, David G. and Ben Houston (in review). Groundwater-surface-water interaction and its implication for septic leachate transport on Bodie Island, North Carolina, submitted to University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Bulletin, Nov. 1999.
  • Evans, David G. and Gerald Janowitz (in revision). Determining groundwater velocities from borehole dilution experiments with diffusion in the well bore. (view abstract)
  • Faye, S., I. Niang Diop, D.G. Evans, M. Pfister, P. Maloszewki and K.P. Seiler (1999). Seawater intrusion in the Dakar (Senegal) confined aquifer: calibration and testing of a 3D finite element modelin Proceedings of ModelCARE99 Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1999.
  • Matson, K., G. Jennings, D. Evans and J. Barker (1997). Regional Evaluation of Hydrologic Risk from Swine Lagoon Operations: Mapping, NC Agricultural Research Service.
  • Evans, David (1996). Book Review of Ground Water Contamination: Transport and Remediation, by Bedient, Rafai & Newell, in American Scientist, v. 83.
  • Evans, David G. (1996). Aquifer Studies in Piedmont and Coastal North Carolina, in Solutions: A Technical Conference on Water Quality, Proceedings, Raleigh, NC.
  • Evans, David G. (1995). Inverting Fluid Conductivity Logs for Fracture Inflow Parameters, Water Resour. Res., 34, (view abstract)
  • Loiselle, Marc and David G. Evans (1995). Fracture yield and density distributions in Coastal Maine, Ground Water, 33, 190-197. (view abstract)
  • Morgan, A., J. Gregory and D.G. Evans (1994). A barrier island aquifer response to Hurricane Emily, Hatteras Island, North Carolina, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Groundwater Ecology, Am. Water Resour. Assoc. and USEPA, Nov. 1994. (view abstract)
  • Evans, David G. and Jeffrey P. Raffensperger (1992). On the stream function for variable-density groundwater flow, Water Resources Research, 28, 2141-2145.
  • Evans, David G., William P. Anderson, Jr., and Chin-Fu Tsang (1992). Borehole fluid Experiments near salt contamination sites in Maine, in proceedings of the NGWA Conference on Eastern Regional Ground Water Issues, Boston, 797-807.
  • Evans, David G., Jeffrey A. Nunn, and Jeffrey S. Hanor (1991). Mechanisms driving groundwater flow near salt domes, Geophysical Research Letters, 18, 927-930.
  • Deming, Dave, Jeff Nunn, and David Evans (1990). Thermal effects of compaction-driven groundwater flow in overthrust belts, J. Geophysical Research, 95, 6669-6684.
  • Evans, David G. and Jeffrey A. Nunn (1989). Free thermohaline convection in sediments surrounding a salt column, J. Geophysical Research, 94, 12,413-12,422.
  • Evans, David G. and Steven M. Jones (1987). Detecting Voronoi (area-of-influence) polygons, Math. Geology, 19, 523-537.
  • Evans, David G. and Don W. Steeples (1987). Microearthquakes and fluid injection in Sleepy Hollow oil field, southwestern Nebraska, Bull. Seismological Soc. Am.,77, 132-140.


  • US Department of Agriculture (NRI): "Assessment of nutrient loading to streams through baseflow from crop fields in the Neuse River Basin," 5 PIs; pending.
  • North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute: "Water flow for large septic systems," 3 PIs; funded.
  • North Carolina Agricultural Research Station: "Evaluating the risk of swine lagoon impacts on groundwater", with G. Jennings, 12/96-6/97.
  • North Caolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources: "Groundwater modeling to assess the impact of riparian buffers on nutrient transport to streams by groundwater flow," 1/97-5/99.
  • North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute: "Assessing the impact of septic discharge on water quality on the Cape Hatteras National Seashore," 5/95-12/98.
  • National Park Service: "Spatial and temporal variations in the water table on Hatteras Island," with J. Gregory, 10/94-9/97.
  • National Park Service: "Determining hydraulic characteristics of the Buxton Woods aquifer on Lower Hatteras Island", North Carolina, 7/94-4/96.
  • American Chemical Society (Petroleum Research Fund): "Bifurcating Solutions to Coupled Groundwater Flow Near Salt Domes," 8/93-9/95.
  • North Carolina State University Faculty Research and Professional Development Grant: "A Laboratory Well-bore Simulator to Test Fluid Logging Analysis", 1/1/93-12/31/93.
  • North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute: "Logging Research Wells on Centennial Campus at North Carolina State University", 9/92-12/92.
  • US Department of Energy Young Faculty Award in Environmental Restoration/Waste Management: "Tests of the effectiveness of groundwater restoration methods in fractured rock," 9/1/90-12/31/92.


  • National Ground Water Association, "Approaches to sampling groundwater in fractured rock aquifers," 1998 Focus Conference on Eastern Groundwater Issues, Burlington, VT, October, 1998.
  • Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, "The hydrology of Hatteras Island, North Carolina," April 1998.
  • Program for Interdisciplinary Research in Contaminant Hydrogeology, University of Virginia, "The technical status of North Carolina's proposed low-level radioactive waste facility," April 1998.
  • North Carolina SMARTech Expo and Conference, "Aquifer testing and flow measurements in fractured rock aquifers," Raleigh, NC, April, 1998.
  • Groundwater Professionals of North Carolina, "Approaches to testing, sampling and modeling fractured rock aquifers: The Tao of fractured rock hydrology," March 1998.
  • Outer Banks Coalition, "Water Quantity Issues on the Outer Banks of North Carolina," April 1997.
  • North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute,"Effect of septic discharge on water quality in Coastal North Carolina," October, 1996.
  • North Carolina Groundwater Professionals, "Using fluid conductivity logging to determine flow rates and hydraulic properties in complex aquifers," Greensboro, Dec. 1995.


  • Anderson W.P. Jr. and D.G. Evans (submitted). Impact of Holocene evolution of a barrier island on water table elevations - Hatteras Island, North Carolina, GSA North Central Section Meeting, Champaign IL, 1999.
  • Faye, S., I.N. Diop, D.G. Evans, M. Pfister, P. Malowszeski and K.P. Syler (in press). Seawater intrusion in Dakar (Senegal) confined aquifer: Calibration and testing of a 3D finite element model with uncertainties in the input data, to appear in ModelCARE 99 Conference Proceedings, Zurich Switzerland, Sept. 1999.
  • Evans, D.G., C.B. Lane, F. Paillet and W.H. Pedler (1996). Hydraulic characterization of fractures in the Piedmont of North Carolina using fluid conductivity and transient flow logging, Geol. Soc. Am. Programs and Abstracts, Southeastern Regional Meeting. (view abstract)
  • Merchant, S.P., S.W. Snyder and D.G. Evans (1996). Modeling constraints on the origin of submarine groundwater discharge on the North Carolina Continental Shelf, Geol. Soc. Am. Programs and Abstracts, Southeastern Regional Meeting.
  • Anderson, W.P.,Jr., H.E. Mew, Jr. and D.G. Evans (1996). Hydrogeologic framework of the Buxton Woods Surficial Aquifer, Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, Geol. Soc. Am. Programs and Abstracts, Southeastern Regional Meeting.
  • Evans, D.G. and C.A. Burkett (1995). Stratigraphic controls on the hydraulic properties of a barrier island aquifer, Hatteras Island, North Carolina, Geol. Soc. Am. Programs with Abstracts. (view abstract)
  • Anderson, W.P, Jr., D.G. Evans, and H.E. Mew, Jr. - Invited (1995). Stratigraphic controls on water table variation in a barrier island setting, Hatteras Island, North Carolina, Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
  • Evans, D.G., Ordinary and constrained least squares inversion of borehole fluid logs (1993). EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 74, 305.
  • Anderson, W.P., Jr., D.G. Evans, and W H Pedler (1993). Inferring horizontal flow in fractures using borehole fluid electrical conductivity logs, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 74, 305.
  • Evans, D.G. (1993). Bifurcating solutions to variable-density ground-water flow problems Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs, 25, 245.
  • Evans, D.G., (1991). Oscillatory groundwater flow near salt domes, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys Union, 72, 60.
  • Nunn, J.A., D.G. Evans, J.S. Hanor, and K.M. McManus - Invited (1990). Vertical fluid migration near salt domes in the Louisiana Gulf Coast, GSA Goldschmidt Conference.
  • Nunn, J.A., D.G. Evans, J.S. Hanor, and K.M. McManus - Invited (1990). Vertical fluid migration near salt domes in the Louisiana Gulf Coast, Soc. Explor. Geophys. Southeastern Conference.
  • Evans, D.G. and J.A. Nunn (1990). Mechanisms driving groundwater flow near salt domes, AGU Chapman Conference on Crustal Scale Fluid Transport.