Spring, 2016 Homework Set 1
Only Problems in Bold are Submitted for Grading
Set 1.1 - Complete for quiz on Feb. 4
From Rubinson and Rubinson: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 [not collected]
Additional Problems (goes to pdf document) To be turned in (those in bold)
Homework Set 1.2
Complete for quiz on Feb. 18
R&R Problems: 17.2, 17.3, 17.4
Additional Problems (goes to pdf document)
Data Set for HW1.2.1 problem
Homework Set 1.3
Complete by Mar. 1 (but no quiz planned - Mar. 1 = Exam 1 date)
1.3.1. Which type of noise is best reduced by shielding the critical electronics?
1.3.2. An instrument measures the concentration of a compound in a river that varies on the order of minutes. Most of the noise associated with the measurement occurs at frequencies greater than 1 Hz. Suggest a method (analog or digital) to increase the signal to noise ratio.
1.3.3. What type of noise can be reduced by using internal amplification in a transducer?
1.3.4. What type of noise can be reduced by cooling electrical components?
R&R 6.13
5. A sample is measured 12 times by a spectroscopic method. The average concentration and standard deviation in the average are found to be 5.2+0.7 μM. With the assumptions made below answer the following questions:
Assume: 1) noise is purely random, 2) the noise is defined as the standard deviation, and 3) that the standard deviation is well-represented. (The third assumption allows you to avoid using t-factors in signal averaging)
a) What signal to noise ratio would be expected in a single measurement?
b) What is the signal to noise in the average value for the twelve measurements?
c) A researcher needs to have the noise be less than 2% of the value in a particular experiment. How many measurements should she make?
Harris Text: Ch. 13: 1, 5, 10