Ronald M. Coleman
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Updated: March 19, 2025

Professor, Biological Sciences

California State University, Sacramento (CSUS)

Contact Information
Office/Teaching Hours
Curriculum Vitae
Resources For Students

CSU Fresca Webpage -- no longer available page

My Lab

Latest News

I was awarded the Outstanding Scholarly and Creative Activity Award for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Fall 2019

Fabulous Fishes: Department of Biological Sciences Living Gallery

Public Talks: If your group is interested in having me talk about the research that my students and I do at Sac State, please let me know.

STEM talk by Ron Coleman, Tues Feb 21, 2012 Here is a streaming video of this talk (scroll down to "Feb 21, 2012 Underwater Treasures....")

Made at Sac State: NSM. My segment is in the NSM in the Community: MACE and STEM portion.

Video of mouthbrooding posted on BBC Earth (October 2014)

I was awarded the following awards for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Outstanding Scholarly and Creative Activities Award in 2020, the Outstanding University Service Award in 2016, the Outstanding Teacher Award in 2014, and the Outstanding Community Service Award in 2012.

My other websites:

Faculty website:

Cichlid Research Home Page <>

A web site dedicated to collaboration between scientists and hobbyists interested in cichlid fishes (family Cichlidae), featuring extensive information about cichlids, plus the online science experiment known as the Cichlid Egg Project.

Committees and Campus Groups I am associated with:

Biological Sciences Safety Committee (2024-)
CFA (California Faculty Association) representative for Biological Sciences
C.O.A.S.T. (CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology)
CSUS Natural History Museums
Dinner with a Scientist
EEC Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Group
Field Biology Group (Faculty advisor)

McNair Scholars Program (Scholar mentor)
Museum of Ectothermic Vertebrates (Curator)
NSM Academic Council (at large representative through spring 2026)
NSM Secondary RTP Committee (through Spring 2025). Chair 2024-2025.
Peer Review Committee (2018-2024)

Past or Currently not active
AITC Academic Information Technology Committee, NSM representative through spring 2024; Vice Chair 2023-2024; Computer system status:
Budget, Equipment and Space Committee, Department of Biological Sciences (2019-2023)
CSUS Student Research Competition (Faculty advisor)
Expanding Your Horizons 2023
Moss Landing Marine Laboratory (CSUS representative to MLML)
OneWorld Committee (2022-2023 theme is "Global Perspectives on Healing")
OTS REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Summer 2019, 2020 (cancelled), 2021 (cancelled), 2022 Costa Rica

Student Research Center, Interim Director (2019-2023)
WRPI (CSU Water Resources, Policy and Initiatives)
[Ecology Colloquium Series Spring 2019]
[Department of Biological Sciences IT (Instructional Technology) committee]

"The buck stops here". Feel free to contact me with issues related to the above groups and committees.

Local Fishes

Links of Interest

HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL Students: Are you interested in coming to Sac State for a college degree and are you interested in fish? Click here for the "I want to study fish at Sac State " webpage.

VISITORS: I strongly believe in the idea of public education and public universities. The Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes lab is your lab too and we welcome visitors to see what we are doing. If you want to visit, please send me an email and I will do my best to arrange a time for you to visit.
-- Ron (

DONATIONS/SUPPORT: Yes, we do accept donations of money, equipment or supplies to help us do what we do. Various manufacturers, organizations and individuals have generously supported the work of myself and my students over the years. Thank you.


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