Bio 167: Quantitative Methods
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Lecture: Tues, Thurs 8am to 9am (2 hours total)
Lab: Thurs 9am to noon (3 hours total)Focuses on statistical hypothesis testing and experimental design in the biological sciences. Topics include the development of a hypothesis, study design and implementation, management and presentation of data, identification of data types, and appropriate use of statistical procedures. General application to a wide range of biological disciplines and will emphasize the scientific process, critical thinking skills, and the interpretation of statistical results, which will include a project culminating a scientific paper and presentation. Lecture two hours; laboratory three hours.
Prerequisite: STAT 1 and BIO 100 or graduate status
Scheduling: next offered Spring 2018
Units: 3 units.Syllabus: WordPerfect document PDF Word html (updated for Spring 2017, missing schedule)
Text: Whitlock, M.C. and D. Schluter, (2015). The Analysis of Biological Data. Second Edition. Freeman, New York. 978-1-936221-48-6 Required
Topic Handouts Video Tutorial (these are large files and take awhile to load)
Sample Output Basic Spreadsheet in Excel 2007 wpd pdf video tutorial Excel spreadsheet Graphing Using Excel 2007 wpd pdf video tutorial Excel spreadsheet
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