Welcome to the world of 

           "Synchronous Motor"


             (1)            Synchronous Motor Fundamental  
             (2)            Characteristic of Synchronous Motor
             (3)             Practical Synchronous Motor


               Objective question answer 

               Ref: on  Electrical Machinery Fundamentals, by Stephen J. Chapman.


1.   In the synchronous generator, what is the speed of the rotor? to generate 60Hz power in two-pole machine :


900 r/min

1800 r/min

3600 r/min

7200 r/min




2.   What is difference between synchronous motor and synchronous generator ?


Starting Methods are different. 

Different insulation used.

Cooling arrangement are different.

  No difference.




3.   The basic speed of synchronous motor is depend on 


Input voltage.

Input frequency


Power factor.




4.  The PF of synchronous motor is 


Very according to excitation

Always leading


Always lagging.




5.  In the synchronous motor Ia versus If curve is known as :


Output curve

Input curve

V curve

U curve



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