Avery, W. E. and W. D. Liddell. 1997. Sessile community recruitment patterns on Western
Atlantic shallow and deep-reef hard substrata. Proc 8th Int Coral Reef Sym, Panama 2:1179-1184.abstract
Liddell, W. D., Avery, W. E. and S. L. Ohlhorst. 1997. Patterns of benthic community structure,
10 - 250m, The Bahamas. Proc 8th Int Coral Reef Sym, Panama 1:437-442.
Avery, W. E., and W. D. Liddell. 1995. Patterns of recruitment in Western Atlantic
coral-reef and associated deep-reef communities. Paper and abstract. Ecological Society of America, 1995 annual meeting, Snowbird, Utah.
Avery, W. E. and C. Hawkinson. 1992. Gray whale feeding in a Northern California
estuary. Northwest Science. 66(3):199-203.abstract
Richards, D., D. Kushner and W. Avery. 1993. Kelp Forest Monitoring - Channel Islands National Park 1991. NPS/WRUC/NRTR-93/06. Annual Reports - Channel Islands National Park, 1901 Spinnaker Dr. Ventura, CA.abstract
Richards, D., W. Avery and D. Kushner. 1993. Kelp Forest Monitoring - Channel Islands National Park 1990. NPS/WRUC/NRTR-93/05. Annual Reports - Channel Islands National Park, 1901 Spinnaker Dr. Ventura, CA.abstract
Liddell, W.D., S. Ohlhorst and W. Avery. 1996. Disturbance and change in Western
Atlantic reef communities. $10,000 renewal grant. N.O.A.A./N.U.R.P and C.M.R.C.
Avery, W. E. 1994. Disturbance, recruitment and change in Western Atlantic reef
communities. $1000 grant from the Lerner Gray Fund for Marine Research, American
Museum of Natural History.
Liddell, W.D., S. Ohlhorst and W. Avery. 1993. Disturbance and change in Western
Atlantic reef communities. $70,000 grant. N.O.A.A/N.U.R.P and C.M.R.C.
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