Contact Information
Name: Kim Zarins
Title: Associate Professor of English
Mailing Address: Dept of English, 6000 J street
Courses That I Teach
- Medieval Literature
- Children's and YA Literature
- British Literature
- Poetry
English 40A: Early British Literature
English 116B: Children's Literary Classics
English 130Y: Writing for Kids and Teens
English 140B: Medieval Literature
English 145A: Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
English 190J: Tolkien's Lord of the Rings
English 198T: Norse Mythology from Odin to Gandalf
Sometimes We Tell the Truth (New York: Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse, 2016). Paperback 2017.
A contemporary retelling of The Canterbury Tales with modern American teenagers on a road trip.
“Retelling Chaucer's Canterbury Taleswith Modern American Teenagers,”in Medievalists Writing
Fiction about the Middle Ages: Perspectives from Authors and Scholars, ed. Debra Best and
Trish Ward, Palgrave Macmillan, projected 2019. (Invited submission, chapter due August
“Intersex and the Pardoner’s Body,” Accessus: A Journal of Premodern Literature and New Media.
Vol. 4, Issue 1, Article 2. January 6, 2018. http://scholarworks.wmich.edu/accessus/vol4/iss1/2/
“The Body and its Politics in the Pardoner’s Tale,” The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury
Tales, edited by Brantley Bryant, October 2017: https://opencanterburytales.dsl.lsu.edu/pardt1/
“Gower and rhetoric,” in The Routledge Research Companion to John Gower, edited by R. F. Yeager,
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo, and Brian Gastle, (NY: Routledge, 2017, 37-55). Invited contributor.
“Violence Without Warning: Sympathetic Villains and John Gower’s Crafting of Ovidian Narrative,”
in JohnGower: Others and the Self, edited by Russell A. Peck and R.F. Yeager (Suffolk, UK:
S. Brewer, 2017, 141-155).
“Rich Words: Gower’s Rime Richein Dramatic Action,”inJohn Gower, Trilingual Poet: Language,
Translation, and Tradition, edited by Elisabeth Dutton with John Hines and R. F. Yeager (London: Boydell & Brewer, 2010, 239-253).
“Caliban’s God: The Medieval and Renaissance Man in the Moon” in Medieval
Shakespeare in Performance, edited by Martha W. Driver and Sid Ray (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009, 245-62).
“From Head to Foot: Syllabic Play and Metamorphosis in Book I of Gower's Vox Clamantis,” in On
John Gower: Essays at the Millennium, edited by R. F. Yeager (Kalamazoo,
MI: Medieval Institute Press, 2008, 144-160).
“‘And the golden halls were dumb’: Norse Fatalism and Mourning in Matthew Arnold's Balder
Dead” in Beyond Arthurian Romances and Gothic Thrillers: The Reach of Victorian Medievalism, edited by Lorretta Holloway and Jennifer Palmgren (New York: Palgrave, 2005, 73-94).
Research Projects/Interests
Current interests include:
Teaching Chaucer in the high school classroom
Synergies (and frictions) between creative and academic writing